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Category: 2018 Blackforest

Day 9 At some point it has to go home.

Day 9 At some point it has to go home.

On the one hand, because I have to work again and, on the other hand, because the budget is running low sometime.
So today we say goodbye to the Black Forest, who entertained us with interesting, winding roads and dry and almost continuous sunny weather.

Well, Rolf the old pension recipient could forever so …… if the budget plays along and Gaby could until Wednesday ….. then work calls her.

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Day 8 The last tour.

Day 8 The last tour.

Somewhat heavy hearted, we planned our last tour last night.
Beautiful roads, very good weather and excellent accommodation with excellent cuisine have made the holiday special and so it is difficult to start the last tour today. But we also notice that for tours between 190 and 250km and a holiday duration of more 7 days, a change of station would be due. So we can not do it, as planned in the Vosges, because the journey would be just too far.

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Day 7 Back on the bike.

Day 7 Back on the bike.

Thankfully, yesterday’s walk had not brought the announced showers, even though the afternoon greeted us with cloud-shrouded skies.
The drop in temperature that was announced has actually arrived this morning.

Despite almost bright blue sky, it is felt only 10 degrees. It’s supposed to be 18 degrees at noon.
With the hope that this will happen, we are on the way.

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Day 6 On foot.

Day 6 On foot.

In advance, everyone is fine, the motorcycles too. But after yesterday’s hot day and the forecast of rain for lunch today, yesterday we decided to explore Freiburg on foot today.

To make matters easier, we can take the free bus to Elzach and from there take the train to Freiburg.

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