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Day 3 After the gigantic cold cuts.

Day 3 After the gigantic cold cuts.

To anticipate, yes, even after the gigantic cold cuts plate, a breakfast fits this morning, as can be seen in the pictures.

Well, with the additional 250 grams of fried eggs and bacon, the little Japanese girl will cope, restraint is therefore something for after vacation.

Strengthened it goes back to 9:30 on the road.

The route can be viewed below. However, it is the planning and not the execution. So we make a short detour to Schluchsee motorcycle treffen to the “Sperrmauer”.

But otherwise we drive the tour as planned.

The first section takes us quite quickly to Freiburg, where we have to fight despite the late morning in the city with appropriate traffic including garbage collection in 30s zones.

However, the route over Schauinsland compensates for this effort. Beautiful curves, little traffic and thus a lot of fun to the summit.
There, however, the fun stops abruptly. Gabi would like, oh what do I say, she wants to climb on the observation tower, a drugged engineer just 1.1 km from the parking lot has set up.
We set off to bring our older bodies to the edge of their potential and actually make it to the summit.
Gabi and Rolf even go one step further and climb up the tower. Rolf knows afterwards to report exactly that it is about 92 steps.
My guess: Gabi climbs the tower because she wants it. Rolf climbs the tower because he is married to Gabi and she wants it.
I’m single and stay down …..

On the way back another stop in the mountain station of the Schauinsland-Bahn and then back to the parking lot.

There we meet 2 Freiburger, so natives, who have just made the climb with their race bikes and set up the vehicles in the direction of departure to cover after a short break the same way.

My assumption, that they do this exercise more than once, is confirmed by the two on my request. At least 3 times is the motto.

But this does not apply to us and we continue our tour in the direction of Schluchsee, where we deviate from the tour a bit to drink at the motorcycle meeting on the Sperrmauer a coffee.

The coffee is good, the mood is in no way and we continue on Lenzkirch, Bonn village, Eisenbach and St. Georgen towards Oberprechtal.

In Gutenbach we take on water and snacks and finish our tour punctually at 17 clock to the restaurant opening in Oberprechtal. Rolf is enthusiastic about the absence of compulsory break between switching off the engine and connecting the first beer. It was granted to him.

The evening ends with a (again) delicious meal, a beer or two and planning the route for the next day.

Then more tomorrow.

Total distance: 214.65 km
Max elevation: 1203 m
Min elevation: 221 m
Total climbing: 8595 m
Total descent: -8599 m
Download file: Schauinsland-20180618.gpx

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