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Smoke free for 1201 days.......

Month: May 2022

Day 06 or it gets emotional……

Day 06 or it gets emotional……

Well, the gentle reader will now ask what might have happened.
I can lighten up the worried faces now, nothing bad, but sometimes fate grabs hold of me.

But let’s start at the beginning. So this morning at around 7:45 a.m., when I left the hotel and had to realize that the rain announced for this morning had already pulled through during the night and the weather was preparing to stay dry and sunny. Definitely a positive development.

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Day 04 or the routing Dutchman can only be trusted every now and then

Day 04 or the routing Dutchman can only be trusted every now and then

But from the beginning.
After Uli indulged in international football yesterday and watched a game without Bayern participation but with a German coach, this morning he is on his way to the obligatory packing of the panniers quite early and in a moody mood.
His walk is buoyant, the eyes are clear and the nose is wet……. wait a minute, that’s a different genre, please excuse me. Not that I’m still writing, his fur is shiny…

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Day 03 or our whatsapp group ist called “Zweikreiser”, but ……

Day 03 or our whatsapp group ist called “Zweikreiser”, but ……

….. nevertheless, we only drive once a day in a circle.
I don’t want to bore anyone now, from where to where we drove. This can also be found in the attached GPX document at the end.
Instead, I prefer to explain the title.

And that is explained as follows.
Yesterday I already indicated that I had to bet on the routing Dutchman, whether in his own case or in my mobile phone on a really serious drug abuse, rather.
I drift away …..

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Day 02 or 8 hours is 1 shift …..

Day 02 or 8 hours is 1 shift …..

If you’re wondering how the writer came up with this title again, it’s relatively easy.
We were on the road for almost 8 hours today, with a total of less than 1 hour break and Uli and I, on average 67 years old, think that it shouldn’t just lead over field, forest and meadow paths, as the traveling Dutchman suggested but also over pass roads, up and down the hill, then you don’t have to be ashamed if you notice your back and buttocks towards the end.

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