Now BMW …..
So now BMW has also gotten a piece of the diesel-scandal-cake (source here).
Who would have believed that?
Or was actually someone so naive to assume that the engineers at BMW would have developed the philosopher’s stone and their heavy-weight and mostly alpha-animals occupied, or, occupied by mistress of the alpha-animals anachronistic SUV (I think was called “simply unlikely versatile”) send out a cup of linden flower tea on the street?
It is to be assumed that the control software, which according to the world was “accidentally” loaded before an examination by the KBA, anyway comes from an external software company and is gladly taken over by all car manufacturers for reasons of efficiency.
Please, to be clear again, these are assumptions on my part. I’m not an investigative journalist, just a news consumer. Not more.
But as such, I like to think that i find a lot of shit where it stinks particularly.
I’m curious how the gentlemen and ladies from the management team talk themself this time out. First approaches are indeed in the article already read. “Accidentally the wrong software was loaded”.
Gentlemen (and ladies), but the very fact that this software is available in your company is probably a clear indication.
And please, why don’t you set a good example and also show some kind of backbone when it comes to the detection of such abuses?
When it comes to presenting the latest fables, you’re in the lead, right?
I’m curious what will happen next.
Anyone else?