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France, again?

France, again?

….yes, one or the other may think when he reads the title.
But this time it’s a little different than (feels like decades) 3 years ago.
On the one hand, as one or the other may already notice from the title picture, I have company this time.

After I lost my travel companions to the Black Forest (Link) and Thuringia (Link) due to a severe mobile home infection with no apparent end, I had to struggle through the meadows solo most of the time on my motorbike.

Unexpectedly, you have to say it, my cousin Uli suggested a joint tour to France last year after we had lost touch for (almost) decades.
I could not refuse due to a certain driving loneliness and lack of knowledge of Uli’s state of health and driving possibilities. And that’s how the three of us finally work, Kurt supports me with the nursing activities “on the road” to the south.
Uli, who knows the route like the back of his hand but still wants to be “guided”, takes on the role of the “gang elder” and thus unanimously that of the president/boss.
Kurt kindly looked for and booked the accommodation in advance and thus took over the part of the quartermaster and I, last but not least, tried to pass on Uli’s route idea to TomTom in such a way that both Uli and the rest are satisfied.

And so we know in advance where we will sleep and where we will drive. However, the approach may only be approximate, because if Uli wants to turn right instead of left, we will of course follow him.
On the one hand, we cannot leave the group elder alone with a possibly confused perception of the surroundings, on the other hand, we have promised his better half to guard him like an apple of our eye and to keep him safe, even if he is a little more used, to return him to Niederkassel.
And of course we, Kurt and I, want to keep that promise.

On the other hand, in order not to completely lose the thread that was started at the beginning, this time it goes “straight” to the south, almost to the coast and not, like last time, initially more to the west.
All in all it sounds like fun and will it be fun……stay tuned.

We’ll see each other …… here or on the street …… on the net or during “supervised travel” …… ..
In this sense.
And here, so start, all planned day tours, also for download.

Day 1

Total distance: 254.22 km
Max elevation: 0 m
Min elevation: 0 m
Total climbing: 0 m
Total descent: 0 m
Download file: 22-Frankreich-Tag-01-Uli.gpx

Day 2

Total distance: 326.47 km
Max elevation: 0 m
Min elevation: 0 m
Total climbing: 0 m
Total descent: 0 m
Download file: 22-Frankreich-Tag-02.gpx

Day 3

Total distance: 290.81 km
Max elevation: 0 m
Min elevation: 0 m
Total climbing: 0 m
Total descent: 0 m
Download file: 22-Frankreich-Tag-03.gpx

Day 4