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Rauchfrei seit 1170 Tagen.......

Smoke free for 1170 days.......

Day 3 or you don’t have to speed to pay for a ticket….

Day 3 or you don’t have to speed to pay for a ticket….

After all the stretches on the autobahns of the last two days, and to meet an urgent request of my travel companions, today is a day without miles on the tires, but with miles on the shoes.

After we arrived in Copenhagen Yesterday, whether the warm temperatures and the incredible traffic in the rush hour of a 1.5 million big city a bit emaciated, was scheduled for today grace period, that is, sightseeing and something informative for the brain.

Denise and Normand had already found a “walking tour” with guide for Copenhagen, to which I liked to connect, although I rather not ……… Walks at 28 degrees ……. through the City …… I do not know.

But then I knew it. At 10 clock it started, accompanied by a young, bright and sufficiently loud American from Colorado, who lives in Denmark for about 7 years. She did not reveal why she came to Denmark, but she wants to stay.

Funny 2.5 hours on foot through Copenhagen, with all kinds of entertaining stories about history ……

After the Color-Dane had finally dismissed us, hurriedly to the main station, because there, so knew it my part-time fellow travelers, there was a free shuttle bus to the Carlsberg Museum with free beer …….. who am i to disagree…..

But just as important the question, how do the two always know?

So into the bus, out of the bus, into the museum, out of the museum, into the bar. Well, the drink was only a modest Pilsener from the paper cup and since we had taken the penultimate bus, it was hardly time to enjoy it, but at least…..

Get out of the bar, get in the bus, get out of the bus, get in the bus (heading Home), get out of the bus, into the grocery store, out of the store and back home. These Canadians are really a fast crowd …..

After Denise had made something coherently delicious out of the assembled individual components, I thought after a successful meal that I had been driving a chain-driven vehicle for quite some time. So the next course down. Did I mention that our accommodation was on the 5th floor of an older building without a lift? Every step counts !

Armed with chain spray, I went to find my little Japanese girl. But before I could deal with the chain link care, I noticed a small, yellow note, clamped under a belt of the Rollback (yes, I had left on the bike, because of the 5th floor without elevator), that told me friendly in Danish that I was in a parking bay only for residents and therefore I would like to pay for my faux-pas 750 DKK, if possible within the next 10 days and if I kept the deadline, you even give me a discount.

How much discount was not there, but with an equivalent of € 100 for parking wrong one is grateful for every penny.

With the feeling that I was now as smeared as my chain, which I have then supplied in the wake, I am now on the way to the bedroom ….

Tomorrow we head for Oslo and no later than the day after tomorrow we should have advanced via Sweden to Norway.

But then more.

PS .: Anyone who wonders why there are no pictures of the Carlsberg Museum about the disappearance and whether that might have been due to the alcohol, by no means.

All three of us had just run out of power, rather our phones, and where no Power, there are no pictures …….

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