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Day 2 or “I can be very different!”

Day 2 or “I can be very different!”

Something similar must the old man, who is also responsible for the weather, have thought tonight, after yesterday, I was a bit disturbed by the extremely warm weather and had to accept a slight hint of displeasure. And he can do it differently. But more “below”.

First of all the most important, the night was quiet and relaxing, but, already at 7 o’clock with temperatures that are actually too high for that time.
I do not have a lot of breakfast time and so I set my kitchenette in motion to celebrate a cup of coffee.
It will be 3 in the course of time, in which I will demolish my tent and, after dismantling actually shower once again to not jump in the bike clothes sweating like hell.
But everything fits right back to where I got it from yesterday and finally it’s time to leave at around 8 o’clock.
The sky, around 6 o’clock sunny in all places, has gone a little bit in the meantime, which I find quite pleasant.
I’m on my way, stopping at a gas station after a few miles to get something to eat and catching a Dutch-style meatball sandwich.
At the second bite, I realize why Dutch cuisine is mentioned neither in the Michelin Guide nor in any specialist journal. But it stops the hunger enough, and thus fulfills its purpose.
I am heading towards Knokke, to finally follow more or less the coast.
West of Knokke I finally see the coast, at least the dunes that pile up in front of it and stop for a cigarette and some pictures.
The journey continues via Blankenberge and De Haan to Ostend. And on the way it becomes clear in which history of Germany I am moving here.
The Normandy is still a bit further, but already here I find references to the WW2.
Via Middelkerke and Nieuwpoort I finally come to De Panne and i am almost in France.
I do not take up fuel, even if it is on the local side just 20 cents cheaper. But the amount I could save would not even pay for the soft drink.
France reached. I target Dunkerquerke (Dunkirk) and I’m making good progress.
Every now and then I am despaired of adventurous signage and lane markings in some cities.
Calais is not far away and so I wonder if it’s actually this ugly big city, which I’ve always imagined.
But, far from it. Small and manageable, only the harbor in the background indicates the importance as a ferry port. And the well-mounted barbed wire attachments on the fences surrounding the ferry terminals speaks succinctly about how many dreams are being buried here every day by refugees. However, I am astonished because there is hardly anything going on in Calais. Everything only exaggerated by the fact mafia?
And behind Calais, I finally come closer and more durable to the coast.
And now comes the old man into the game, who also has to take care of the weather.
Since Calais, the temperatures are pleasant, the sky is completely covered and there are now and then nice curves on the dune road. All in all, it can stay that way.
Now the good God has already put on a shovel, but there is one more added.
In Étaples I find a supermarket, bunker some drinks (also Pastis) and decide to end the tour here somewhere for today.
Meanwhile, it’s not just colder, completely covered sky, no, God’s second shovel brings rain. As if the old man wants to show me his possibilities.
I find a campground in Stella Plage for the night, priced as yesterday, but with electricity (adapter’s free) but, as I later stated, with only cold showers and without a single sheet of toilet paper. Bang on!
I set up my tent in the light rain, and I hope that the weather forecast for tomorrow (dry in any case) is right.
But, that is not important any more (the rain has stopped) after canned tuna and 3 pastis.
Tomorrow more, so stay tuned.
PS: Next door are two guys from Finnland, so not only standing around, but with tent and motorbike. Yes, that’s what I call a journey.
PPS: Oh yes, and I also telephoned yesterday. Charming, I could get used to it.

Total distance: 238.95 km
Max elevation: 0 m
Min elevation: 0 m
Total climbing: 0 m
Total descent: 0 m
Download file: Südküste-20190624.gpx

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