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Rauchfrei seit 1171 Tagen.......

Smoke free for 1171 days.......

Day 1 or My God, did that have to be?

Day 1 or My God, did that have to be?

Of course I do not mean the holiday itself. That has to be.

No, it is much more about the track, and I have chosen it myself. But one after another. I had already roughly planned the first four days and thus came for the day, with the support of my TomTom, on a route Germany-Holland-Belgium-Holland, or, more precisely, from Gladbeck as possible with no Autobahn to Zeebrugge in Belgium.
I was fine, before …

In the meantime, the weather forecast for the coming days had increased so much in terms of temperature that I shortened the tour to a certain extent and on the other hand the question had to be clarified, if you could still drive at 39 degrees. But well, whether it is actually so hot, may be waited confidently.
Because of the already prevailing temperatures, I had already packed my bike yesterday, knowing that at 19 degrees early in the morning, the walk to the garage would be a nuisance. And so the machine was already ready to leave this morning out of the nest.
And this morning, after I’ve talked to a lady on the phone that has grown a bit dear to me in the last few days, it’s about 8 o’clock when i take of, at now already measured 18 degrees. That can be cheerful.
But there is not much to report about the trip. The TomTom has calculated excellently and leads me, without the highway to my destination.
That’s why I took Belgium into account because I do not know Belgium yet and Holland had to endure my presence several times already.
However, in summary, I’ve had the feeling for a long time to drive through the largest industrial area in Europe.
Industry and private housing are somehow inseparable from each other on many kilometers in Belgium, and of course that does not add much to the joy of driving.
In addition, the temperatures at midday actually rise to just under 30 degrees, so just before “Oh no, no?”.
Therefore, I am ready at 14:30 clock to counter strike and I’m already looking for a campsite.
I finally find it west of Hoek (Netherlands), with 4 stars, the name “Marina Beach” and the necessary amenities, so small grocery store and “restaurant / sports bar”.
Well, I only stay 1 night, so that would not have been necessary ……… yes, it is.
The place counts with just under 23 € / night hopefully rather upscale price range. It is tall and well groomed, my pitch sandy and is obviously a little longer “broke”. So I fezle first through a bit damp and free the place of all sorts of branches, which could disturb my sleep.
And still in the now (from the inside) sweaty motorcycle clothes, I setup the new tent. One or the other may have read it, with salon, billiard room, library and bedchamber. That took a while ……
But seriously, the tent does not build up as fast as the old one, but it offers a lot more space.
And the first construction-related disadvantages have been found, but more on that later.
1 time laundry (guy and clothes), 1 time shopping (I mentioned that the space is quite large and my parcel and the kiosk behave like Arctic to Antarctica, right?), 1 time dinner (no, not cooking, just lid off, hot water in … ..) and now a little writing stuff and maybe a nice call tonight, then the day is done.
I’m curious, especially because of the temperatures, how it goes on tomorrow ….. but that will be tomorrow.
Therefore, stay tuned ……

Total distance: 320.81 km
Max elevation: 0 m
Min elevation: 0 m
Total climbing: 0 m
Total descent: 0 m
Download file: Südküste-20190623.gpx

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