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Day 09 or finally rain….

Day 09 or finally rain….

This wish sounds completely absurd for a motorcyclist and it is not actually meant to be so pleading. The last few days here have been pleasantly sunny, but unpleasantly warm. Over 30 degrees was mandatory.
And yesterday we arrived at GAP at such temperatures.

Well, we can’t complain about the temperatures this morning. Already at 9 a.m., almost 20 degrees “flatter” us, but the sky is constantly overcast in the direction of the mountains.
So after breakfast we make our way to Albertville, where we have booked our next domicile.
Unfortunately, the cloud cover doesn’t last long and after a few kilometers gives us incontinence that cannot be denied, which forces us to put on our rain gear for the first time on the journey. The further journey gets a little “wetter”, not only because the rain, sometimes sparse, sometimes heavy, reminds us of protection, finds its way down, no, rainwear is by no means breathable and so after a few kilometers we develop our own wet biotope under the cape and that while we drive from place to place without having country roads under our wheels in between.
So we have to beat our way towards Albertville at 30 – 50 km/h.

But what does “must” mean? Eventually I turn left into the parking lot of an Intermarche supermarket and get some cold drinks and some bread for lunch. 1 sausage is still stored in the top case.
Without rain gear and less dehydrated, we continue, not without first taking a little straightness out of the route. And so we screw our way up into the mountains again, without having to drive the worst kind of hairpin bends.
In Crèts-en-Belledonne we stop at a small lake for a late lunch break, after all it is almost 2 p.m.
Of course, the lunch break includes a small snack, so that the elderly don’t suddenly fall out of the saddle with hypoglycaemia on the way…

We do the rest of the route on main roads and around 3:30 p.m. we reach our Auberge Costaroche in Albertville in bright sunshine and again uncomfortably high temperatures.

Clothes brought up, then changed and to the reception for a first beer, it doesn’t take more than a few minutes. And so we enjoy a cool blond in the shade.

In the meantime, I’m trying to find out what walking radius I can expect my “descendants” to have in terms of restaurants that can be reached on foot.
After some back and forth, we agree on a chain restaurant that actually offers mostly American food. Actually a sacrilege, but Uli mumbles it away.

I reveal to him that the burger joint is about 1.6 miles and a 30-minute walk away.
Uli coughs briefly and then mumbles something about taxi………….

The rain from noon today had brought an uncomfortably large amount of dust with it and so the bikes look accordingly. What didn’t bother Uli yesterday, when it was about smashed insects, bothers him today. Full of energy, he asks for a bucket of water and a cloth and starts to clean vigorously.
The momentum ends just behind the tank and the saddlebags only get a short “fuddle unit” when I call out to them, otherwise they could have watched where they stayed, just like the chrome parts….
Yes, that’s how it is in the world of technology. In theory, the engineer can deal with a problem for hours, the practice is usually completed by others, even if nothing is too much for the engineer, as the saying goes……

1 hour later I set off on foot and arrive at the restaurant 30 minutes later.
It doesn’t take Uli that long by taxi, but it’s still 15 minutes later.
Explanation: He’s waiting for the hum of a Mercedes Benz, but it doesn’t hum. Saying he’s waiting a little longer for a cab.

Anyway, some TexMex cuisine helps us get back on our feet and I allow myself to be persuaded to take a ride on the way back, shame on my athletic head.

…and now Uli is probably almost lying in Morpheus’ arms around 9:40 p.m. while I’m writing these lines down on digital paper.
But there is nothing more to tell and that’s why I’m closing now.

See you tomorrow, stay tuned……

Total distance: 369.95 km
Max elevation: 0 m
Min elevation: 0 m
Total climbing: 0 m
Total descent: 0 m
Download file: 22-Frankreich-Tag-09.gpx

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