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Until retirement ....


Rauchfrei seit 1170 Tagen.......

Smoke free for 1170 days.......

First preparations part two or, where to put all the stuff ….

First preparations part two or, where to put all the stuff ….

The question came to me directly, so only a fentosecond after draping the newly purchased “camping aids” around the bike.
Finally, I had not changed for some reason from a K1200RS with luggage system and “rear shelf” on the Z1000.
The whole “stuff”, which traveled there for years, mostly empty, should not travel with the new bike.

And no sooner had I decided to implement the term “traveling lite” while riding a motorcycle, the invitation to a 14-day tour (including camping) heading north showed up.

A few days later and I actually know where to go.
Here is the result:

I bought the softbags already a few weeks ago. They actually provide enough room for 1 person to go on tour for a few days.
Because, remember, what does the biker need on tour? Toothbrush, corresponding paste, soap, one set of underwear and a tube of detergent. Oh, and two credit cards if on the way something is missing.

As you can see above, I was able to solve the problem with the pockets hanging inwards via a small self-construction. A few centimeters of aluminum tube (12mm diameter) a few copper fittings from the plumbers need, some metal glue (I can not solder or weld) and a little heat shrink tubing around the connections, the whole attached to the license plate holder with wing nuts (TÜV, can be without tools remove), the small loops of thevcheap panniers attached to it and already everything holds much better.
Financial expenditure approx. 5 €, time expenditure approx. 30min.
Total cost for panniers and “holder” 50 €

The problem with the baggage roll, which was supposed to accommodate the complete camping equipment, was already more difficult.
Not that there are not enough solutions available in the accessories trade.
Not at all. However, I’m not ready to quickly put a three-digit sum on the table.
But the offered racks were exactly what I was looking for.
The company SHAD provides a solution here (as well as Hepco-Becker), which, however, is actually intended to accommodate a top case base plate and, just like the more expensive competitors is clicked on the original points instead of the pillion seat.
Well, a few changes were still to be made, because I just do not want to chauffeur a top case, but a luggage role.
So it came to this: 4 hooks (those of Louis are made of metal and € 7.99 the pair 1 euro more expensive than the Polo plastic ones, so I took the hooks of Louis) and a little thinner, but solid foam to cover the whole construction (also from Louis for 6.99 €).
Oh yes, the construction of SHAD was at POLO at 93Euro + shipping, on the net, they are cheaper for one or the other euro, but not much.
The role is laced with “Rockstraps”, as the “lashing straps” included in the role are not necessarily the “non plus ultra”. But okay, the part also cost only 10 €. What can I expect there?
The entire construction makes to date, a stable impression for my needs and I’m curious how the whole thing works during vacation.
Then more here.

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