Search the sack …

Until retirement ....


Rauchfrei seit 1170 Tagen.......

Smoke free for 1170 days.......

Day 11 or, the question of why.

Day 11 or, the question of why.

Of course I do not mean the fact that I place myself with my age on a hard padded bench on which hardly anyone can sit, who have already conquered all 8000m summits without oxygen and thus are used to much worse.

No, in that context, the question did not even turn up. It’s about the place of yesterday. But in the end more. I’m out of bed this morning late. After I was driven out of the tent at 6 o’clock this morning, I lay down relaxed again and only return to full consciousness around 8:30 am. But now, hurry up. The early bird has already caught the worm and for me only the leftovers remain. I do not need long and leave it for this morning with just a coffee. At 9:45 am, all 6 cylinders, that is the 4 of my little Japanese girl and my two heart chambers, run without complaint and I set off. Planned are small roads to Nancy and then to the north also small roads to Metz.
Although today’s stage, to take that into account can not quite keep up with yesterday, but still, relaxed and with a few breaks, sometimes with, sometimes without a snack, but always with a cigarette, I drive towards Nancy around 13 Clock. I remember that I had entered Nancy as a stopover without an address, so my Dutch guide will probably direct me to where he suspects the center of Nancy and then of course back out, direction Metz. It does not seem sensible to me, not to say a stupid solution. So I stop for a moment and take Nancy out of the route equation and “did you see”, the routing Dutchman shows me the way past the city. Thank God. A few kilometers beyond Nancy gnaws at the realization that Metz could be as big as Nancy. And to arrive there in even greater heat than now, and then to search for a campsite, does not seem desirable. So again a stop and reschedule. I enter Forbach as a new final destination and again “did you see”, it goes from the main road, which runs parallel to the highway in large portions, right again on the small, well-maintained roads. In between, I’m still looking for a campsite and find it in Saint-Avold, 3 stars, well rated so i go for it.
As it later turns out, I can get a room for the price I’ve paid for the most expensive campground so far. I’m not thinking twice and stay in the “hotel”. Let’s see if I sleep as bad this night as in the last hotel. But there is no TV here. Should work.

Oh yes, I’m still guilty of explaining “the why”. In addition to the last evening. The lake in the background, a shady spot, as one might suspect, it’s all perfectly okay. It was also until the sun went down and the lake released the millions of mosquitoes, which then attacked me and my fellow campers. Whole swarms at once, in battle formation, I think i even recognized a mosquito with helmet and breathing mask. One, however, wore a spiked helmet and monocle and the others called him “Baron” ……… ..
Anyway, these “Stukka” associations hit and pierced almost everything that had not disappeared fast enough in the tent or caravan.
And while I was sitting in the tent, listening to the aggravated kamikaze pilots of the mosquito squadron, it actually sounded like a patter, if not loud, I wondered why? We have done a lot of research so far. We know and calculate black holes including Schwarzschild radius, the durability of drinking water, non-drip disposable diapers and much more, which helps us in everyday life, but the question of why the evolution has produced mosquitoes, whose sole purpose seems to be the evening annoyance of campers, is unclear.
How did they come about? Did God look under the couch on the morning of the seventh day, found a couple of hair balls and threw them into the air after a moment’s thought, where they suddenly started to hum?
And God saw that it was fun and said, “I call it mosquito”?
The itching comes to an end slowly. Better not write about it, then it will be worse …………
Distraction: Tomorrow i will go in the direction of Trier, where I want to visit the day after a dear colleague, who lives in quasi self-imposed abstinence from the Ruhr area (in fact it seems to treat her well) with her family.
And then I decide at short notice, if it is good up to here and I may even drive home on the highway, or another night hang out and Mosel and Eifel technically done. But then in good time here more.
Therefore, stay tuned ……

Total distance: 223.74 km
Max elevation: 0 m
Min elevation: 0 m
Total climbing: 0 m
Total descent: 0 m
Download file: Südküste-20190703.gpx

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