Day 1 or it is getting serious, really…..
I had already written that yesterday, but from today it gets really serious, but really.
But one after another.
It started this morning at 8 o’clock. Denise and Normand made a well-rested impression.
No wonder, because yesterday evening they were already really early in Morpheus arms. It was granted to them.
So today from Gladbeck on the A52 and A43 on the A1 direction Lübeck. Since we want to come to Copenhagen tomorrow, unfortunately, nothing left but a lot of highway. I know, not nice, formal when you have to torture yourself at actually pleasant temperatures through an endlessly long construction site. But that too is over.
From Lüneburg but then finally federal and country roads on Geesthacht, Schwarzenbek and Mölln to Römnitz close to Ratzeburg.
Well, and here it gets really serious now. The tent is set up and the night will come, certainly ……
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