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Smoke free for 1170 days.......

Day 11 or where have we been, today…..

Day 11 or where have we been, today…..

Sometimes it is difficult for the old gray cells to keep up with what is happening and to save everything that has happened.
So I actually have to consult the geodata of the pictures and try to reconstruct the day like this.

We have now developed a certain routine when it comes to breakfast in the morning. So less the content, which depends very much on the overnight stay location, and more on the time.
Between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. we are drawn to the caffeine tank and the goodies built around it.
Not that we have to make an effort to be wide awake at the buffet at this time. You have to admit that an overzealous bladder always sets the inner alarm clock at 6 a.m. and then allows us a few more minutes until we can stumble towards breakfast.
This is also the case today in Brig.
But, around 9:00 a.m., we are drawn back onto the road, which is supposed to end today in the “Ländle”, i.e. Badde-Württemberg.
250 kilometers and about 6 hours drive are on the agenda. So hurry up, gentlemen…

I “hang my head” a little along the planned/driven tour and the pictures.
We first drive from Brig in a northeasterly direction and then, avoiding the car train by a hair’s breadth, turn left to get to Realp via Gletsch, Belvedere and Tiefenbach, i.e. over the Furka Pass. It was of particular importance to Uli, since the descent, peppered with the curves of the “James Bond Road” among other things, allows a very deep view of the valley, which can lead to dizzy spells for Uli and he is therefore more likely to be on the mountain side from a purely visual point of view must orient. But everything is fine.
After the ascent, we have a coffee at the summit of the pass and then set out on “downhill trails”.

The older Rhinelander also masters the descent with flying colors and so we can continue on the way towards Andermatt and on to Lake Lucerne without any losses worth mentioning.

In Ingenbohl I force Uli to take a coffee break, otherwise the man would simply drive through.
In Gersau we have to take a compulsory break. The road is closed. A colleague on the motorized two-wheeler had an accident. The driver has already been taken away, the machine is still on the road and the public prosecutor’s office is still busy securing the scene of the accident with a drone. We talk to the Swiss police officer, who advises us to put on rain gear during the enforced break. His rain radar on his cell phone clearly shows upcoming thunderstorms.
We can’t understand that in Switzerland ourselves, since the Swiss, as a non-EU country, don’t give a fuck about roaming agreements, at least as far as the Internet is concerned and actually want 14.99FR for 100MB. I pay 3 € less for my entire monthly plan in Germany with 8GB!.
All in all, one has to say that the Swiss perhaps have a “bombastic” monthly income by our standards, but they also have “bombastic” prices across the board. It’s all relative.

We throw ourselves into the rain jacket and are allowed to continue after about 20 minutes of waiting.
Toi toi toi to the accident victim. The machine was split in half and it didn’t look like a minor accident.

The police forecast of the weather turns out to be well-founded and correct. Just a few minutes after we passed the scene of the accident, it started to rain, not heavily, but steadily.
Lightning lights up the sky and thunder follows closely.

So we drive on and an hour later we still don’t dare to take off the rain condom.

It continues via Küstnacht, Lucerne, Rotheburg, Lenzburg and other small towns in Switzerland, finally across the border to Baden-Württemberg and there more precisely to Birndorf.
After a first impression and a delicious dinner, the hotel/restaurant “Zum Hirschen” is an address to remember.
Around 5:30 p.m. we have a delicious, down-to-earth local meal and enjoy the local art of brewing.
When Uli orders a fruit brandy, he finds out that the in-house distillery produces high-proof spirits. A smile crosses his face, which couldn’t be wider. And so I leave it to the master distiller around 7:30 p.m. and go to my room to write these lines.
Let’s see who will show up for breakfast tomorrow punctually …….
I have to slowly reduce the consumption of alcohol again. At home Schmalhans is announced again with the topic….
Stay tuned for the morning report and who made it on time……

And here Uli’s descent from the Furka Pass, so more the Furka Pass, Uli is somewhere on the route and I recorded the video long enough to give him a chance to perform.

Total distance: 212.18 km
Max elevation: 0 m
Min elevation: 0 m
Total climbing: 0 m
Total descent: 0 m
Download file: 22-Frankreich-Tag-10.gpx

And here are the pictures, as my fans already now ….

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