Search the sack …

Until retirement ....


Rauchfrei seit 1200 Tagen.......

Smoke free for 1200 days.......

Home – CA

Home – CA

For my native english speaking friends:
Google helps me to translate this site. Some of the “word constructions” work only in my native language, which is German.
So i apologize in advance, when you read some “funny” expressions.
Please be patient with me ……

“Who am I, and if so, how many?”

The old sack, born 61 and thus closer to the exit (from life)  than the entrance.
Full-time worker, permanent cynic, occasional clown, hobby cabaret artist, non-husband, non-father, but triple godfather.
Convinced non-dancer, just as convinced motorcyclist, seeker for the meaning of life and finder one day and otherwise in a good shape and mood.
Well, at least something.

“Why in God’s name, is he doing that ?”

Facebook is and remains for me a digital book with seven seals.
My posts disappear between advertising and many “incredibly” interesting posts, most of which are links. Well, if life consists only of forwarding, of course that has something. See, like, though not grown on my crap,  get it out.
Folks, is that serious?
Twitter forces my life in 160 characters, or was it 320? Has my life content doubled with that?
And why should I post on a page where Donald Trump is also represented? I do not doubt if Angela Merkel is represented there, because she discovered the internet only a few years ago.

So, why not become active myself, raise my own page and see if someone will notice and if so, how many.

Not least, and that brings me back to the title of this page, I will write here in the blog, if there is indeed a life before death. So besides working, paying taxes, keeping my mouth shut, and finally, with 6 people under me and a handful of people behind me, to go the final route.

Therefore, stay tuned, come back and take it easy but take it finally.


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